Our second session began with a review of skills covered from the first week: presentation skills, such as eye contact and posture. We then moved into Negotiation techniques: (i) being prepared; (ii) having a strategy; (iii) politeness and friendliness; (iv) and having options. The group then focused on two more skills: (v) compromise; and (vi) active listening.
For our Negotiation exercise/role play we covered a traditional price negotiation (buy/sell) example. The group divided into teams. We were hugely impressed with the different skills shown and the entrepreneurship and ideas presented. The exercise involved attempting to sell an imaginary iPad for a certain price and the other side attempting to buy for a given price lower. Both sides saw quickly the need for compromise and adjusting expectations. Well done all!
For the end of the session we turned to another debating topic, this time the question of ‘compulsory’ or ‘being made’ to do sport at school.
The group felt overwhelmingly that sport had innumerable benefits, from physical and mental wellbeing, to new talents being discovered and the importance of fun. Yet, in the voting, the students felt that the key thing was a question of choice. They would rather have options, than be made to do something. It was a fascinating debate.
The Motion, ‘This House would force students to do sport at school’.
Vote 1 – Y: 14%; N: 86%
Vote 2 – Y: 17%; N: 83%
Our next debating skill will build on our introduction to Negotiation with a focus on ‘active listening’ and creating ‘win/win’ scenarios.
We greatly look forward to our next session!