With the General Election campaign in full swing our weekend sessions have continued to focus on the world of UK politics from pledges to manifesto commitments and ideas.
Our skill focus this week looked at POIs and how best to implement/use these interjections in debates and competitions.
Inspired by a recent poll of school children on whether they would travel to space in their lifetimes, we asked for our warm interview style philosophical/political question with an emphasis on 'why'?:
'Do you think you will ever travel to space & would you like to go?'
The Junior Group voted overwhelmingly against on the basis of cost, risk and the damage that such travel may cause to the planet. The Senior Group sounded equally critical, however, a small minority sought to put the argument for Planet B and wider space discovery/knowledge including satellite use as critical to our existence.
Our newsround saw reference to the election in India, the Euros, the Post Office inquiry, the US election and Trump, River Pollution, the Olympics, and wider Space travel with China's recent reported efforts.
Both groups were unimpressed to hear of Rishi Sunak's early departure from the D-Day anniversary commemorations.
Our first debate centred on Tuition fees, with majorities in favour of reducing or cutting or means testing fees for university. Whilst some differed on the process, no one supported the existing system.
Our second motion looked at the UK's Trident Nuclear weapons deterrent and asked whether this should be retained?
In both groups a majority voted to retain the weapons (67% in favour), but all spoke for a desire to try and create a nuclear weapon free world. The war in Ukraine added weight to the need to retain a deterrent.
We also reviewed the Liberal Democrat policy of two new national parks - many liked the idea, but considerable concern was raised as to cost. Also covered was a question on Animal Testing given recent AI developments. We will return to this topic in due course.
Our final debate of these packed sessions asked:
'How do we feel when leaders cry?'
Empathy, the situation and the context were the main buzz words of this debate and discussion. Vaughan Gething the Welsh FM did not get much sympathy or support, but Barack Obama and the Queen were seen as model examples in public life.
Another great set of sessions - well done all!