Our second session of term saw a fantastic display of debating from both Junior and Senior Groups. We began by refocussing on key skills from body language of the previous week, to active listening and the importance of team-work (especially important for group interviews).
Our warm-up set of introductions looked at a key goal or goals for the term whether that be improving in a competition or winning it; reading more books or finishing a series; chess level; school places; and more philosophical ideas such as being challenged more or starting something new.
Each group was also encouraged to bring a headline / news item to introduce to the sessions. This was very good indeed and produced intriguing discussions from AI to natural disasters, prison escapes, inflation and the ongoing school concrete problem in the UK. We will aim each week for our members to introduce a topic.
Our first main debating discussion centred on the espionage reported from China in the Houses of Parliament and whether the UK response should be one of stopping trade and talks or alternatively engaging more?
With nearly £100bn of trade at stake both groups voted in favour of maintaining the relationship - the Junior Group 83% in favour; the Senior Group 100% in favour (however, uncomfortable it might make us it was noted).
We then looked at the natural disaster - earthquake in Morocco, reported overnight and whether we should help? and how?
The Junior Group thought this essential with overwhelming support and brilliantly raised the fact that we needed to avoid another refugee crisis. The Senior group also unanimously voted in favour with an emphasis on longer term support and trying to rebuild in the safest possible way for earthquakes (as per Japan).
Our third topic centred on the G20 in India - what should have been the focus of this meeting of leading economies?
| Junior group | Senior Group |
Climate Change | 86 % | 80 % |
World Economy/trade | 43 % | 40 % |
War in Ukraine | 71 % | 40 % |
Natural Disasters (e.g. Morocco earthquake) | 71 % | 80 % |
Poverty | 43 % | 100 % |
Other items were raised such as AI in addition to the multiple choice options. Climate change was a theme of both groups; whilst Ukraine dominated the Junior Group discussion, the Senior Group felt that Poverty was a world problem only to be solved by countries coming together. Well done all on such excellent contributions.
Finally, we looked at Sport in the light of the Rugby Union World Cup in France and given the importance of sport for our health with the old motto: mens sana in corpore sano - 'a healthy body can sustain a healthy mind' we asked what sport should be covered on terrestrial tv? and who should fund sport? The State? or individuals? Here we had very similar positions from each group.
The Junior Group voted 83% in favour of the State funding; whilst the Senior came in at 80% in favour. The general feel was that given the benefits to the State (healthcare for one) it made sense to provide the funding and that many sports simply couldn't be funded by individuals alone - from stadia to pavilions and sporting equipment.
Well done all on superb discussions and debating throughout and excellent active listening!
Autumn Term Dates 2023
3rd September
Junior Group (11 am)/Senior Group (4 pm)
10th September
Junior Group (11 am)/Senior Group (4 pm)
24th September
Junior Group (11 am)/Senior Group (4 pm)
8th October
Junior Group (11 am)/Senior Group (4 pm)
5th November
Socratic Club - Workshop on English Language & Vocabulary
(Junior and Senior) (11 am)
10th December
Junior Group (11 am)/Senior Group (4 pm)
Workshops & Events
14th October
Museum Tour TBC
(In Person)
(Junior and Senior)
19th November
Interview Workshop & Group Debating
(Junior and Senior) (11 am)
26th November
Socratic Club Autumn Competition & Certification
(In Person)
(Junior and Senior)