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St Andrew's School- 15th September

Hristina Ivanova

We were hugely impressed with the contributions for the first session of our debating term with St Andrew's.

We covered key skills - from posture to hand gestures, and overall how to better engage with the audience.

The group discussed how and where debating can be useful from school presentations to public life: from the legal world, to parliament, and business pitches.

Presentation examples on favourite hobbies, travel etc. gave the group a chance to judge their peers and this stimulated an interesting assessment of the skills we had reviewed.

Our debating topic of the week centred on the challenges facing the new Prime Minister Liz Truss: from the War in Ukraine; cost of Living crisis; Energy dependency; the challenge from Keir Starmer and the Labour Party; to Global Warming.

The majority of votes were cast for Global Warming, with the Cost of Living coming up a close second.

It was interesting to hear how Covid has disappeared from the agenda, it was also great to see a number in the group raising other specific issues, such as proposed tax cuts and concerns on food supplies with Wheat production and export being restricted with the War in Ukraine.

We will expand on these skills and topics each week. We encourage those attending to bring along ideas or key facts on a noteworthy issue in our forthcoming sessions. If students have seen something of note from the news or The Week Junior for example, do remember these ideas/points for our next class.

Well done all on such a great start and some excellent argumentation!



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