The first of our partnership events with Nimble Minds was held on the 28th September in which we introduced the fundamentals of debating to a group of students aged 6-7 years, from a range of schools.
The group was extremely engaged and we were impressed with their concentration levels and their ability to articulate complex arguments. We focussed on several skills: active listening; teamwork; and clear vocals/enunciated points. These are also particularly useful skills for upcoming interviews.
We began with a discussion of the petrol crisis and with attention on what petrol is, where it comes from and the problems created by fossil fuels. This allowed us to turn to the topic of renewable energy. Following a group discussion we then turned to our debating motion for the afternoon: 'This House would make all cars electric'. At the first vote, the motion was carried 9 votes to 1.
The group then split into two teams of 5 and developed their arguments as proposition and opposition. From energy efficiency, to speed and cost, from noise and air pollution to climate change and long-charging batteries - the group covered the ground marvellously. At the second vote, this time a secret ballot, the motion was rejected, with 4 in favour and 6 against.
What was particularly pleasing was a reflection by many in the group that they had heard another argument and had been persuaded of the merits of that, this had then changed their views/mind. This was active listening in action - and super to see! We much look forward to working with Nimble Minds again.
For more information on Nimble Minds please see the below