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Eaton House Belgravia School - 8th March & Knightsbridge School - 9th March

Hristina Ivanova


Eaton House Belgravia School - 8th March 2023

It has been great to see the growing debating confidence in our EHB club group as the term has progressed. We began the session with a newsround, showing an excellent display of informed views and current affairs knowledge. We then discussed these points stimulating further debate and some very good questions.

Following our newsround-up - including the UK's small boats migration crisis/debate; empty supermarket shelves; and the rise in the cost of train tickets - we looked at our skill of the week and Points of Information - POIs, how to utilise them most effectively and how to answer them so as to strengthen a debating argument. We then turned to our main debate on the motion:

  • 'This House would grow more food in the UK rather than import more food'.

With the weather in Spain and North Africa impacting salad vegetables and tomatoes, we focussed on the benefits of growing your own and avoiding supply chain risks; whilst weighing up the 'green debate' as to whether growing in the UK would in fact use more energy than shipping food across oceans and seas. The use of short and focussed POIs helped create a lively discussion, with some impressive summary speaking.

Overall, the group voted in favour of growing more in the UK, but by a narrow margin.

We will focus on summary speaking next time and how to signpost an argument.

Well done all!


Knightsbridge School - 9th March 2023

It has been wonderful to see how our sessions for our Knightsbridge club, now all begin with a newsround (requested by the group!) showing an excellent display of informed views and current affairs knowledge. We then discuss these points stimulating more debate and further group analysis.

Following our newsround-up of current affairs - including Rishi Sunak's small boats migration crisis/debate; the cost of living and train tickets; and the Sue Gray saga with Sir Keir Starmer - we looked at our skill of the week and Points of Information - POIs, how to utilise them most effectively and how to answer them so as to strengthen a debating argument. For inspiration we focussed on interview approaches and how a polite and friendly interview style can be the most disarming approach of all - often achieving excellent results.

Our central debate covered the motion:

  • This House would not raise the cost of train tickets?

This was on the back of a new rise in rail fares by 6% and the green arguments around more people needing to use public transport. It was great to see the group understand that you could argue for the proposition and opposition (both) in favour of the use of trains, but questioning or supporting a rise in cost for passengers. The use of short and focussed POIs helped stimulate an excellent debate including some very good summary speaking.

We will focus on summary speaking next time and how to signpost an argument.

Well done all!



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